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Gracious! I seem to finally have updated the site. Will wonders never cease?
I've been beavering away of late on boring old study and work. Yawn. Had a very interesting couple of weeks in Gisborne town, which will see me through for another 20 years of East Coast experience - hopefully. Unless of course work sees fit to send me again.

I've had rather a pleasing result from my first assignment, so won't whinge too much about study. We'll see how the next assessment goes though, may be another story in a month.



Sorry folks, I've only watched shitty Sky flicks of late, and I'm very busy of course doing all those important things I do... like um... well, you know, busy stuff.

*Brother Where Art Thou

Thought this couldn't go wrong, starring the lovely Cloones, and being a Coen brothers flick, which are generally very good. Sadly it was lacking, relying very much on obvious humour and "quirky" characters, little gruelling for 1 1/2 hours! Not the worst film I've ever seen, but far from the best. Talk about on the fence reviewing eh?

*The Insider

Finally got around to seeing this, having avoided it for fear it may undermine the glory that is the cigarette. Happily it didn't linger on the nasty cancer facts, but on the fascinating power of big business versus the little man. Our Russ was tremendous. He played a considerably older and fatter speciman than his usual, and showed that this is one very talented actor. His character was very bizarrre and I think this was probably quite an accurate portrayal of the kind of character who would dob in a huge company. While I'm having a wee Russ theme, can I just point people in the direction of the wonderful "Sum of Us", a nice wee Aussie flick starring Russ and Jack Thompson, which is just lovely.

*American Psycho

Very bloody good

*East by East

Also very bloody good

*The Dinner Game

Lovely French Comedy, laugh a minute


What a boring load of bollocks. Who cares? Just a very obvious lame film with Alanis Morrisette as God (why did we even get it?). So ironic...not


This was excellent. Really funny, kind of disturbing, great Australian film. Interesting to compare with American Psycho, similar mentalities.


This film was a real surprise. It was funny, Sandra was ok, Liam Neeson was ok (although I'll never forgive him for Rob Roy), and all the gangster characters were great. Liam's character went to a mens support group and the guys in the group made the film in the end. Light but certainly watchable.


This film is great. I don't know what all the palaver about Brad Pitt not being able to do an Irish accent was, he isn't suppoosed to be bloody Irish! I thought he was excellent, as were all the actors, even had Frank off Eastenders. Guy Ritchie also popped in "Lucky Star" by Madonna, nice touch Guy.

*Saving Grace

This was an ok film. No more, no less. It was kind of boring, but had a couple of genuinely funny moments. The last few minutes made it woth watching, what a harvest!


*White Teeth
by Zadie Smith

Very bloody good, in fact bloody marvellous


By Frank McCourt

When this came out there were a lot of fairly mediocre reviews, and having loved Angela's Ashes I didn't want to taint my enjoyment. In actual fact I found Tis to be a really enjoyable read. Funny and human, with all the grit of the first novel. I imagine that you could get a little sick of his naivety, but he really did go to an entirely new world. There is still poverty and hunger, but it also reflects the hopefulness of the first book. Definitely worth reading.

Kia Ora!

Thought I might get a bit posh and pop in a couple of wine reviews, having just enjoyed some fantastic Hawkes Bay wines.

Upon our arrival at our motel in Napier, we were presented with a FREE bottle of Corbans White Label Sauvignon Blanc. Now you're asking yourselves, has Wanda gone quite mad? Could this be the fantastic wine she was referring to? In short, no. It did however provide a good contrast to the fabulousness that was to follow. The Corbans SB was a very light, quite drinkable, but utterly uninteresting wine. Nice gesture though. FREE after all.

We went to Sileni estate for lunch. Prior to lunch we did an olive oil tasting. They are pressing some great oils in the Hawkes Bay, and the variation between them is really interesting. Can't remember any of the names except the one we bought ( which was the best, and fortunately not the most expensive...still liquid gold though). It was The Village Press, made of Barnao olives.

Blah blah GET TO THE WINE. With lunch we tried the Sileni Hawkes Bay 2000 Chardonnay. Sweet nectar of the gods. It was golden and full of fruit flavours. Without waxing lyrical, it tasted of all the sunshine we had felt the previous day.

We also tried the Sileni Semillon. I have been a little sceptical of Semillons, having only tried pretty average watery versions. Suddenly I understood what all the fuss was about. The Sileni Semillon was very light, but full of subtle flavours. So so good.

Here endeth a piss poor attempt at describing wine. Bear in mind that I wasn't thinking "tasting" when drinking it though. It was only now when trying to think of a way to fill up a webpage with something different!

Just need something to put in this space now

Please have a look at my links page, where I've added some updates of my clever friends websites.

Joannas will be particularly interesting over the next few weeks as she is in the Middle East being a fearless traveller...

Why don't you leave me a message? I would love to know you've been.

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you from:

Our lovely bach! Now all the world can see, and if you want to book it you can just look at www.beachhouses.co.nz.